Treadmill Tracks

While training programs are loaded on exercise machines, the desire was to simulate the actual race as close as possible. TreadmillTracks allows for the user to build a race with lengths and elevations manually entered or import files created via GPS. By utilizing a sound cable between your computer and the iFitĀ® exercise equipment, sound waves will set the elevation and speed of treadmills or just the elevation on exercise bikes. Please refer to the exercise equipment manual to learn how to set the equipment to accept the sound waves compatible with iFitĀ® program.
The races are saved locally. A user can select the race they desire to simulate. The example 5K race being ran at 10 MPH with legs 9 and 14 removed to reduce the length. The runner is on the third leg with 21 seconds left of the leg and 12 minutes 59 seconds for the race. This simulation was generated with GPS readings. The GPS system exported a text file, and it was then imported by the system to generate the race.
The system allows the user to enter the settings of the exercise equipment. The equipment will have a minimum and maximum incline as well as the incline increments and minimum and maximum speeds. Along with the number of times to send the tone, these settings ensure the system utilizes the capability of the exercise equipment.
To download, please select demo.
To download, please select download to run the setup. You can enter the word caelum for the license code due to the initial install is set for a trial period.
TreadmillTracks uses Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 to run. If trouble installing or running, please select .Net Framework to download and install.
RD Concepts
Treadmill TracksProduct description:
TreadmillTracks allows for the user to build a race with lengths and elevations manually entered or import files created via GPS.
RD Concepts utilizes the honor system for our software products. We suggest a fee of $1.99 for each install to utilize this product, but we appreciate however much you feel comfortable with. You can make a payment via PayPal.
For demonstrations of our software, please visit our YouTube channel.